
The Essentials of High Quality Enrichment Toolkit

Experts agree that out-of-school time (OST) programs have transformative impact on youth, especially when enriched with high-quality activities spanning academics, arts, and physical pursuits. Acknowledging the importance of comprehensive planning, SCRI offers a toolkit designed to guide OST providers in strategically crafting and implementing purposeful enrichment programming.

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OST Program

Harness the Power of OST Programs: 5 Strategies to Maximize Your Impact

Families nationwide look to local community providers for a range of afterschool, expanded learning, and out-of-school time (OST) youth activities. However, in a post-COVID world, providers are navigating a challenging and increasingly competitive environment that may require innovative ways to harness the unique value of their programming.

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Enrichment Programming: Planning for Success

Studies have shown that well-designed summer programs that concentrate on broadening learning opportunities can offer significant advantages in math, reading, and social-emotional development, particularly for struggling youth. To guarantee that these programs are executed smoothly, it is essential to plan early and comprehensively. Success relies on having a clear vision, understanding the interests and developmental needs of the young people being served, committing to high-quality programming, assembling a team of skilled instructors and staff, and establishing a positive climate and culture that promotes learning and growth.

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Learning from the Best: Strategies Gained from Teacher Feedback to Recruit and Retain Educators for Out-of-School Time Programs

SCRI analyzed staff survey responses from the BellXcel 2021 Summer program and identified key strategies and recommendations for finding and retaining high quality staff: stressing the importance of strong relationships and collaboration, promoting a positive teaching environment and culture, ensuring flexibility and autonomy for staff, providing supportive leadership, prioritizing the opportunity for personal and professional growth, and having materials and resources readily available and accessible.

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Teacher meeting, sharing knowledge.

Staffing Toolkit for Out-of-School Time Learning Programs

To help OST providers implement evidence-based best practices when planning for hiring and retaining OST program staff, SCRI developed the Staff Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Guide.  This toolkit includes guidance, tip sheets, planning tools, and sample language for successful OST-program staffing.

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Building Capacity and Sustainability in Nonprofits Serving Native Hawaiian Youth

In the fall of 2018, Sperling Center for Research & Innovation (SCRI) and Kamehameha Schools (KS) launched a collaborative partnership to support the capacity building and continuous improvement of local youth-serving organizations in Hawaii. Through strategic coaching, SCRI has supported four overlapping cohorts of programs (17 total) to set and achieve goals for their organization and strengthen the connection between KS community partners/intermediaries and the education and workforce systems they aspire to influence. After years of coaching, participating organizations report being more focused, sustainable, and effective.

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